Cameron County 4-H Youth Development

Analisa Sanchez, B.S.

County Extension Agent – 4-H Youth Development 

Coordinates the 4-H youth and development program in Cameron County. Provides training for adult and youth volunteer leaders. Provides leadership and support for youth participation in county, district, and state 4-H events and activities. Coordinates with County Parents & Leaders Association, County 4-H Council, 4-H Ambassador Program and other youth development organizations & projects. Communicates 4-H program achievements to stakeholder groups and others.


Are you interested in joining 4-H?


Check out our Discover 4-H series for insight on available 4-H projects. Please call the Cameron County Extension Office at (956) 361-8236 for more information!



If you’re interested in joining 4-H in Cameron County, please complete our interest form by clicking the link here.


Cameron County 4-H Newsday

     2023 to 2024 

Upcoming Workshops and Contests

 Upcoming Events 

4-H Resources 

4-H Forms 

All documents require Acrobat Reader to view them. Click HERE to download and install the FREE reader. 

An eligibility form is due to your Cameron County Extension Office for ANY and EVERY 4-H event or activity. An original copy of the eligibility form is due one week before ANY and EVERY 4-H event or activity.

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