Cooperative Extension Program – Family & Community Health

Gloria Carter, M.Ed – Health, CHW
Cooperative Extension Agent – Family & Community Health

Welcome to the Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension Program

Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension Program delivers practical research-based knowledge in agriculture/ natural resources, youth development, community/economic development, and family and consumer sciences in counties 35 counties across Texas. We respond to the needs of underserved Texans through life-changing opportunities in areas that empower families through life-changing opportunities. Cooperative Extension Program agents and specialists respond not only with answers but meet people where they are and move them along to the next level.

Family and Community Health:

The Family and Consumer Sciences component recognizes that strong families are important to a prosperous and productive society. The family is the major provider of joy, security, values, and goals. The Extension staff works to plan and deliver research-based family-focused programs to underserved clientele, but, not excluding other audiences, that will serve as a catalyst to improve the quality of living.

Programs focus on:

Health and Wellness
Nutrition and Childhood Obesity
Food Safety
Financial/ Money Management


Programs Available in Cameron County:



Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness : The Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness program is aimed at 8-12 year olds and targets those behaviors reasearchshoes to be most important for preventing childhood obesity and chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The 6-lesson curriculum supports key messages of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans as summarized by USDA in their MyPlate initiative to help Americans build healthier diets: drink water instead of sugary drinks, switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk, make half your plate fruits and vegetables, make at least half your grains whole grains, enjoy your food, but eat less, and avoid oversized portions.


Welcome to the Real World: The Real World program is an active, hands-on, real-life simulation that gives young people the opportunity to explore career opportunities and make lifestyle and spending choices similar to those adults face on a daily basis. Partipantsassume that they have completed basic educational requirements for a job, are single, 25 years of age, and independent with no financial support from family or others. After investigating potential careers, participants receive a monthly salary for their chosen occupation. They then proceed through the Real World activity – deducting taxes, determining a savings amount, paying for a student loan (if applicable), and spending their monthly “net” salary on the necessary and other items that reflect the career and lifestyle they have chosen.

NEFE’S Highschool Financial Planning Program (HSFPP): is a free financial literacy program specfically focused on basic personal finance skills that are relevant to the lives of teens in Grades 8-12. Topics include: Money Management: Control Your Cash Flow, Borrowing Use – Don’t abuse, Earning Power: more than a paycheck, Investing: Money Working for You, Financial services: Care for your Cash, Insurance: Protect What you have.




A Taste of Latin American Heritage: is more than just a series of cooking classes. It’s a chance to reconnect with vibrant ways of eating and living that once protected the health and well-being of Latin Maerican ancestors everywhere. We invite you to invest six weeks as a personal wellness program – a springboard into a whole new way of eating and living.

Step Up and Scale Down Program: The 12 week program consists of weekly lessons to help participants move toward a healthier weight and includes a weekly weight check-in, weekly challege to “stay the course,” healthy recipes and tips and exervcise resources. The 12 sessions include: Scale Down by Setting Goals; Step Up to a healthy Plate; Scale Down by Label Reading; Step Up to Breakfast and Menu Planning’ Scale Down with Moves to Lost; Step up Your Hydration; Scale Down by Finding your Motivational Mojo; Step Up to Healthy Snacking’ Scale Down with a Colorful Plate; Step Up to Successful Socializing; Scale Down by Knowing Your Numbers; and Step Up and Celebrate.

Common Pantry Pests: The Impact of Household Insects on your Food: a one-time presentation regarding pantry pests such as weevils, beetles, and moths are that are common but unwated guests in many kitchens. These pests are often found in spices and grain foods (flour, cornmeal, cereal, and pasta) and are easily spread to other food items. Foods that are infested with pantry pests are often thrown away, resulting in a loss of money.

Understanding the Dates on Food Labels: a one-time presentation regarding how to understand what dates are found on food labels, how to use dates on food labels to buy and keep foods safe and fresh; and when it is safe to keep foods past the date stamped on a label.

Packing a Safe & Healthy Lunch for School: a one-time presentation regarding packing a school lunch for your child, Ideas for menus, preparing a safe lunch, don’t pack the bacteria and tips for keeping your child’s lunch safe.

Feeding your family when disaster strikes: a one-time presentation where participants will understand the importance of putting together emergency food and water supplies in case of emergency or disaster.

Detect to Protect: Reading labels to look for foods linked with Allergies and Intolerance or Sensitivites: a one-time presentation where participants will learn the differenec between food allergies and food sensitivities and how to handle them.


Strengthening Families: The 6 session program is designed for parents of school-aged children. This research-based educational progra mwas developed to strengthen the relationship between parents and their children and to equip parents with the skills they need to effectively raise their children.


Money Smart: Money Smart is a financial management program developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Coproation (FDIC). This curriculum can be used with adults who have low financial knowledge and skills. The curriculum helps individuals build financial knowledge, develop financial confidence, and use banking services effectively. For more than five years, Money Smart has been utilized by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to increase the financial literacy of a variety of Texans. Topics include: Introduction to Banking Services, Credit, How to Choose and Keep a Checking Account, how to keep Track of your Money, savings, Your Rights as a Consumer, How Your Credit History Affects Your Credit Future, Credit Cards, Loans, What Home Ownership Is All About.

How to Save $$$ When you don’t have a dollar to spare: a one-time presentation offering tips and ideas on how to save money when on a tight budget.


Balanced Living: is a five-part series: Balance Your Time, Manage Your Stress, Feed Your Body, Move Your Body, Rest Your Body. Although many things are a part of balanced living, these five factors are the major components addressed in this curriculum because these areas tend to be overlooked when life gets hectic or out of control. The goal of this series is for participants to gain knowledge and skills to live a more balanced life. units can be taught as stand-alone classes or as a series.

Let’s Breathe Easier: Asthma Management at home: This 60 minute lesson is designed to provide an overview of Asthma in children. Highlights of the lesson include Asthma Triggers, Asthma’s Toll on Kids, and the cost of Asthma.


All classes can be offered in English or Spanish and/or can be offered as a series or single presentations according to your specific needs.


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