Online Gardening Course: Gardening 101


Texas Gardening 101: A 10-week training consisting of live and online classes, meeting every Thursday from September 3 - through November 5. This training is available at your own pace, as you are not required to attend the live classes. This classes will be recorded and available for participants for up to one year. This training does not certify you as a Master Gardener. To register click here: Texas Gardening 101


Texas Master Gardener Certification


Texas Master Gardener: A 10-week training consisting of live and online classes, meeting every Thursday from September 3 - November 5. In addition, 20 hours of local training are required - these hours will include private tours, field trips, and hands-on workshops (To be determined at a late date based on CDC Recommendation related to COVID-19) You will also receive a hard copy of the newly updated Master Gardener Handbook (a $100 value) To register click here: Texas Master Gardener  
